It’s the small details that ensure our Pro-Series fertiliser spreaders are world-class. With top-of-the-line touchscreen control, precision spreading rates, spinner speeds, border spreading and headland control at your fingertips, you’ll nail every job with the Giltrap Pro Series Spreader.
All models of our PRO-SERIES fertiliser spreaders are standard with an electronic rate control with colour graphic touch display. This advanced control provides you peace of mind that you can spread every job perfectly.
For those wanting more advanced control and measurement there is an upgrade to include GPS functionality. This will enable coverage mapping of jobs as they are done for proof of placement and add prescription maps through the USB port for variable rate spreading.
Our large range of models all feature a wide belt and a stainless steel bin to save you time in the field and on maintenance. Plus advanced features including headland and sectional control will give you precise delivery of fertiliser on every job.
The Giltrap Pro Series Spreader is Available in 4 Tonne, 6 Tonne, 8 Tonne and 10 Tonne.